Walking down the Boulevard of Old Time Roleplaying Fantasy, Homeland, The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore

Slam your head on a keyboard, and you have the name Drizzt. The main character of The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore. A book series with 36 books depicted in the world of the Forgotten Realms. These stories might be more famous for the RPG game Dungeons and Dragons, no matter if you likeFortsätt läsa ”Walking down the Boulevard of Old Time Roleplaying Fantasy, Homeland, The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore”

A MxM without romance, A Review of Inferno by N. A. Carson

Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. They all simply stared. I tried to move, but remaining upright alone was taking all my strength. I was a monster to them. Everyone had seen my power. I was done here. They’d never let me stay. Inferno, N.A. Carson This one might be slightly confusing for some as only oneFortsätt läsa ”A MxM without romance, A Review of Inferno by N. A. Carson”

The book vs the movie, Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone

Many have asked and argued about what to focus on, the books or the movies. I was one of those insane people doing both so I thought I would give a bit of information about what I think on the subject. Firstly, do no be afraid to do both and form your own opinion. YouFortsätt läsa ”The book vs the movie, Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone”

A review of the newly released YA Fantasy, Given by Nandi Taylor

“Weysh reveled in the warm air currents gliding across his wings. Yenni was perched firmly on his back, her presence a comforting heaviness. The clean, sweet spice of her teased his nostrils from time to time. He loved how she smelled: new but familiar, like a long-lost relative. Something had happened between him and herFortsätt läsa ”A review of the newly released YA Fantasy, Given by Nandi Taylor”

Review of the Riyria Revelations, The Crown Conspiracy by Michael J. Sullivan

“I just want to say, for the record, as far as Royal protectors go, you’re not very good.” ”It’s my first day,” Royce replied dryly. ”And already I am trapped in a timeless prison. I shudder to think what might have happened if you had a whole week.” ― Michael J. Sullivan, The Crown ConspiracyFortsätt läsa ”Review of the Riyria Revelations, The Crown Conspiracy by Michael J. Sullivan”

Why I did not like Widdershin, thief’s covenant by Ari Marmell

“She’d pushed it down, crushed it beneath the weight of stubborn determination, but still it haunted her at night, when such terrors shamble from their dens to torment innocent insomniacs.” ― Ari Marmell, Thief’s Covenant This book is the first in a series called Widdershin’s Adventures written by Ari Marmell and published by Pyr, 2012.Fortsätt läsa ”Why I did not like Widdershin, thief’s covenant by Ari Marmell”

Writing styles

As I had a friend look through some of my reviews before I post them, I got a question asking me what I meant when I mentioned for example a traditional writing style. As I started to study different styles to evolve my own, I started to put the writing styles into three categories. TheseFortsätt läsa ”Writing styles”

Mistborn, The final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

“Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.”- Brandon Sanderson. Mistborn, The final Empire. The Final Empire is the first book in the trilogy written by Brandon Sanderson, a writer known to have finished the book series, Wheel of Time. This is his original work though andFortsätt läsa ”Mistborn, The final Empire by Brandon Sanderson”

The book series Goblin by Jim C. Hines

“Plans were for adventurers. He preferred the goblin approach. Blind panic might not work all the time, but at least it saved you the stress of planning.” ― Jim C. Hines, Goblin Quest Jim C. Hines is an American fantasy writer who has written the trilogy, the Goblins series, which was publish in the yearFortsätt läsa ”The book series Goblin by Jim C. Hines”

Legend of the Ice People by Margit Sandemo

These books were originally written in Swedish, Sagan om Isfolket, by the writer Margit Sandemo. It was first published in 1982 and is a 47 volume story about a supernatural bloodline. The first book takes place in Trondheim, Norway, and follows the young woman Silje as she travels across the country to avoid the plague,Fortsätt läsa ”Legend of the Ice People by Margit Sandemo”

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