The Not so Super Hero by Twoony

The Not so Super Hero is an ebook written by Twoony. It was the first story I bought on Tapas and one that I did not regret buying. The story is a LGBT+, superhero story with both humor, thrilling fights and romance. The book has 176 episodes or chapters and follows the two main characters Bailey, a college boy without superpowers but with a ridiculous amount of bad luck, and Zane, a lazy janitor with powers beyond one’s comprehension and a dark past.

Both the main characters are well developed, and both have great impact on the story. Even Bailey, who has no powers, are still able to play an active role in the story along with Zane the one who often tends to overshadow all other characters because of his powers. But every character, even the supporting ones, get’s a fair amount of development and by the end of the story you will care for them.

The story also shifts between romance and the supernatural neatly without leaving one in the cold. Far often books with several genre’s like fantasy and romance neglects one genre in favor for another but I think that the author has succeeded in finding the balance between the two.

If I had some complains, it’s the unusual bad luck that haunts Bailey. It is surely funny but tends to be a bit over the top. I first assumed that he had some power but nope, he was just that clumsy. A bumbling fool has its purpose in the story, but it tends to pull some seriousness away from Bailey making him a joke a few to many times for my liking.

I was also not fond of the flashback at the end of the book, it was too long and frankly, was not needed in the story. The writer had already given enough information for the writer to understand what had happened, so it felt like it dragged on for a bit. If you jump over that part you will still miss nothing, at least that is what I think but I am one of those people who are good to put hints together so other readers might have needed it.

Another criticism I can give though is that this writer loves making her bad guys insane. There was a lot of them and all of them was apparently lunatics. The author clearly thinks that all bad guys need to be insane which, frankly, is rarely done good. It’s often used as an excuse for their evil deeds and that is the case for this book as the villains are neglected and are very forgettable. The good story, and interesting characters make up for the lacking villains, but it is still a flaw.

I loved this book despite its flaws but it’s a book I would recommend for people looking for light reading material. It tugs on your heartstrings and make you smile which is what counts for a book clearly aimed for YA but counting the flaws I would say it’s a strong 7 out of 10.

It can be read here:

With Kind Regards


Publicerad av Senefer

I'm a swedish writer who likes to read, paint and of course write. I adore my family, animals and learn new things no matter if it is about people, books or the world.

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