Attack of the Bayport Beast by Franklin W. Dixon

Attack of the Bayport Beast by Franklin W. Dixon

Attack of the Bayport Beast is the fourteenth book in the Hardy Boys Adventures by Franklin W. Dixon. The Hardy Boys was originally created by the author Edward Stratemeyer while the new books are written by ghostwriters under the pseudonym Franklin W. Dixon. The original series was first released in 1927, but this book was published in 2017 by Aladdin. I listened to the audiobook on this short mystery novel, narrated by Tim Gregory.

A convention has come to town and Joe is eager to know about the Bayport Beast, a bigfoot lookalike monster said to live in the National Park. Frank, being the eternal skeptic, is convinced to join his brother and two friends in hunting the monster only for him to realize that there might be more to the story than he first assumed. Something is roaming the forest, and it seems that it isn’t human.

This book follows the adventure type of story that these books seem to be best at. The mystery is simply if the beast exists and if it does, is it truly a beast. The characters of the books are few, none are really developed for me to describe them. They are typical teenagers, who like to scare people, telling them tall tales and jump at them from dark alleys.

I wasn’t sure who decided the cover of the book, it has nothing really to do with the main plot of the book. How hard can it be to create a book cover depicting a dark forest and a bigfoot? It would certainly be more sensible and be more eye-catching.

Now, I would say that this one isn’t predictable, but it really hasn’t much to predict. It doesn’t give any clues, and the solution really hit you out of nowhere. As I mentioned, it didn’t really matter since it isn’t as much a mystery as it was an adventure. I do think it is very telling when I prefer the adventure instead of the book who tries to press out a mystery out of nothing. I’m not sure how I feel about monster hunting, how much crap does this town have? Pirates, cults, monsters, and secret criminals ruling from the shadows. Maybe it would have made more sense if the author had taken this story to another location, but I won’t nitpick.

The book entertained me enough, and I can see why some seem to really like it. For those looking for a mystery will be disappointed, but for those who want to read an intriguing adventure with a twist that I doubt anyone could see coming, then this book is one I can recommend. With all that said, I would say this book is a 7 out of 10. A decent adventure that I might read again in the near future if I’m looking for a fast-paced adventure.

With Kind Regards


Publicerad av Senefer

I'm a swedish writer who likes to read, paint and of course write. I adore my family, animals and learn new things no matter if it is about people, books or the world.

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