Menacing Misfits by Robyn Wideman

Menacing Misfits are the first book in the Darkthorn Academy series by Robyn Wideman. It seem to have been self-published 2019, and the audiobook I listened to was narrated by Vikas Adam. It is a Young Adult fantasy book with hints of LitRPG in it, but that comes into play far later in the book.Fortsätt läsa ”Menacing Misfits by Robyn Wideman”

A Neon Darkness by Lauren Shippen

A Neon Darkness is the second book in The Bright Sessions by Lauren Shippen. It was first published 2020 by Tor Teen, and the audiobook is narrated Charlie Ian. It is not a direct prequel or sequel from the first book, since it’s about another character, Damien who only showed up at the end andFortsätt läsa ”A Neon Darkness by Lauren Shippen”

Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson

Son of a Trickster is the first book in the trilogy Trickster series by Eden Robinson. It was first published 2017 by Knopf Canada and the audiobook was narrated by Jason Ryll. This was advertised to me as a YA Urban fantasy, and I think the Young Adult part is obvious while the fantasy isFortsätt läsa ”Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson”

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