A Racist fall in Love with What She Hates, Estero Bay by Elisabeth MacDonald

It took me quite a while to find the English title for this book. Forgive me but I searched for the translation of the Swedish title, Winds of the Sea, and came up with nothing. I wonder why… Either way, this historical romance is written by Elisabeth MacDonald. It was published by Harlequin in 1991Fortsätt läsa ”A Racist fall in Love with What She Hates, Estero Bay by Elisabeth MacDonald”

A Cringe from my Youth, Blessing by Debbi Bedford

Another of my mother’s 90s historical romance. This one is named, Charaden, in Swedish. Translating the charade, proving once again that the Swedish translation of titles is weird at best but I guess it made more sense than Blessing.  I adored this one when I was thirteen but unlike other books this one doesn’t holdFortsätt läsa ”A Cringe from my Youth, Blessing by Debbi Bedford”

Welcome back the romance of the 90s, a review of Web of Loving Lies by Barbara Leigh

This book was written back in 1993 and was one of the many Historical Romances which my mother bought. I decided to take a dive, and I mean take a dive for she had bags of these kinds of novels in the basements, into my mother’s storage to find some old romances and this oneFortsätt läsa ”Welcome back the romance of the 90s, a review of Web of Loving Lies by Barbara Leigh”

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